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Outreach Opportunities
The mission of Messiah’s OUTREACH ministry is “helping others in need” in the community and the world. Outreach activities include preparing care packages and meals for local families, nursing homes, and those in need. We also participate in weekly food deliveries to Manna on Main Street in Lansdale.
In addition, the OUTREACH group disburses the proceeds from our Thrift Shop Belfry Bargain each month to various organizations and groups based on their need for financial support. Click here for more information about Belfry Bargains.
Belfry Bargains
Started in 1983, Belfry Bargains is the Outreach Thrift Shop ministry at the Church of the Messiah. To learn more about Belfry Bargains, click here!

Manna on Main Street
We Continue to Collect & Deliver Non-Perishable Items. As you do your weekly shopping, please pick up some non-perishable food items, toiletries and cleaning supplies. These donations can be left on the back pew of the church or left outside the Rector’s office door. These will then be delivered to Manna to stock their shelves for distribution to meet clients’ needs.
UPDATE ON AID FOR UKRAINE: Thank you to all who have generously donated items for Ukrainian Humanitarian Relief! We recently delivered a literal truck load of diapers, protein bars, personal hygiene items, Tylenol and other necessities to the Sisters of Saint Basil the Great, located at Manor College in Jenkintown. While this group continues to collect donations to be shipped to Ukraine, support in the form of fundraising is now preferred to enable more immediate in-country help. Therefore, we will discontinue collecting physical donations and ask that you please visit the following sites. These sites offer safe and vetted ways for you to make a difference!
Amazon link - frequently updated with current urgent needs
Support Manor College (The Sisters of Saint Basil the Great) The Ukrainian
Educational and Cultural Center
Episcopal Relief & Development

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