Church of the Messiah
23 January – 3 February 2018
Deposits are now being received
Join me and other members of the parish for a once-in-a-lifetime experience in Israel! More than a tour, this will be a spiritual experience featuring daily Morning Prayer, Communion in local churches and at holy sites, and encounters with and presentations by Jewish, Muslim and Christian Israeli citizens.
Featuring excursions and visits to:
Tel Aviv * Jerusalem * Herodium * Judean desert * The Western Wall * Bethlehem * Shepherd’s Field * Church of the Nativity * Manger Square * St. George’s Anglican Cathedral * Mount of Temptation * Rift Valley *Nazareth * Mary’s Well *Church of the Annunciation * Sunday Eucharist in local *Anglican church * Sepphoris * Caesarea Philippi * Boatride on the Sea of Galilee * Jordan River * Capernaum * Mount of Beatitudes *Tabgha * Loaves and Fishes Church * Chapel of St. Peter’s Primacy * St. Photini Greek Orthodox Monastery * Taybeh * Burqin * Ancient Cardo * Church of the Holy Sepulchre * Dome of the Rock * Al-Aqsa Mosque * Pools of Bethesda * Israel Museum * Shrine of the Book * Dead Sea Scrolls * Mount of Olives * Garden of Gethsemane * Dead Sea * Way of the Cross * Jericho * Emmaus * Magdala *